The Yard Community


Ashley Vale Action Group (AVAG) is a not for profit community action group that was formed in 2000 by residents of the Ashley Vale area of Bristol who were concerned about the corporate redevelopment of land (a former scaffolding yard) in the area.

A core group of residents formed AVAG as a non-profit making company to purchase and re-develop the site as a community self build project. We achieved planning permission to create a mixed use development, combining affordable housing over 3 phases as well as work and leisure space. Our assionate slogan from the start was Building a Community. Just over a decade later, in 2011, our project (The Yard) was finally fully complete. Now over 41 homes have been self-built or self-finished and a community of over 100 residents is thriving.

To find out more about the history of AVAG and the history of the development of the Yard, please contact or 0117 9241263.
